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Laser Treatment

Laser Treatment

Laser Treatment in Dubai

Do you want to improve how you look and refresh your skin but don’t know where? Atelier Clinic in Dubai is your go-to destination. 

Whether you are seeking to remove hair from areas that make you uncomfortable, reduce wrinkles, enhance the coarseness of the skin, and even out your skin tone, our laser treatments will sort you accordingly. As such, At Atelier Clinic, you can benefit from many types of laser treatments, including laser hair removal, tattoo removal, carbon laser, skin lightening, skin tag removal, mole removal, wart removal, and stretch mark reduction. These laser treatments are performed in our facility using modern technological devices. Our team of qualified experts are committed to giving you the best outcome possible.

Our advanced laser treatment technology coupled with the unparalleled experience of our experts will surely help you reach your goals. Do not let your skin hold you back from your best appearance and self-esteem. 

  • Laser Hair Removal: Benefit from this laser treatment to remove unwanted hair and welcome soft and silky skin. 
  • Tattoo Removal: This laser treatment allows you to remove tattoos safely and effectively with the best results. 
  • Carbon Laser: This laser treatment resembles a peel to refresh and improve your skin’s texture. 
  • Skin Lightening: To achieve a brighter tone, skin lightening laser treatment is what you need. 
  • Skin Tag Removal: With this laser treatment, you can say goodbye to bothersome skin tags quickly and painlessly.
  • Mole Removal: Mole removal laser treatment removes unwanted moles with precision and care. 
  • Wart Removal: To clear and smooth your skin, you can get rid of warts with the Wart Removal Laser Treatment. 
  • Stretch Mark Reduction: You can minimize the appearance of stretch marks with the stretch mark reduction laser treatment.

Benefits of Laser Treatment

The benefits of laser treatment at Atelier Clinic are numerous. Some of these include the following: 

  • Long-lasting results 
  • Minimal downtime 
  • Virtually painless

Also, depending on the type of laser treatment you opt for, the treatment may

  • Improve skin texture
  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles
  • Remove unwanted hair
  • Safely remove tattoos 

At Atelier Clinic, our laser treatments can help you achieve your goals safely and effectively.

Why Choose Atelier Clinic for Laser Treatment?

When you choose Atelier Clinic for laser treatment, you can trust that you’re in good hands. 

Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and the most up-to-date technological devices in the field. For instance, some of our laser treatments are conducted via the Cynosure Elite Plus. This is a cutting-edge laser system known for its precision and effectiveness. 

With our experienced team of professionals and state-of-the-art technology, you can expect nothing but the best results at Atelier Clinic. Don’t wait any longer to achieve the beautiful, radiant skin you deserve. You can always schedule a consultation at Atelier Clinic to discover the transformative power of laser treatment.

Carbon Laser
Laser Hair Removal
Mole Removal
Skin Lighting
Skin Tag Removal
Stretch Mark Reduction
Tattoo Removal
Wart Removal

We Help You With the Dedication & affection

If you are already here then yes, you would. How much depends on the amount of treatment that you require.

How does thread lift work?
Thread-lifts are minimally invasive treatments used to bridge the gap between traditional surgical facelifts and machine-based skin tightening and lifting devices with the use of ultra-fine, biocompatible, and bio-absorbable threads that stimulate collagen production to tighten and lift saggy skin.
How long does the procedure take?
Depending on the areas treated, the desired end-goals of a patient, and initial skin conditions, thread-lifting procedures may take between 40 and 90 minutes.
How long do the results of thread lift last?
The results of a Thread Lift last for up to two years. However, to ensure that the results are maintained for as long as possible, you should live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy a healthy diet, smoking should be avoided, and you would need to follow a good skincare routine while avoiding excessive exposure to the sun.
What to expect after the treatment?
It is okay to experience mild swelling and redness for 2-3 days after the treatment. The downtime usually varies from 3 to 7 days depending on individual skin conditions and areas treated.
Does the thread lift procedure require anesthesia?
Rather than requiring general anesthesia, thread lift procedures can be completed with a local anesthetic, allowing patients to drive themselves home and take care of themselves right after.
How long does thread lift last?
Results from thread lift may last up to two years if proper aftercare measures have been taken.
What is the best age for a thread lift?
the optimum thread lift candidate is often in his or her late thirties to early fifties. For elderly individuals, however, who cannot have surgery for to medical reasons, thread lifts can offer an alternative to a facelift.
Who is not suitable for thread lift?
If you are considering a treatment, it is advisable to speak with a skilled practitioner about your present state of health. Certain medical issues, such as autoimmune illnesses, infections, or bleeding disorders, may exclude an individual from being a good candidate for the surgery.
How do you sleep after a thread lift?
To stop the threads from moving, try to sleep on your back for the following three to five days.

Book an Appointment

Let us know your problem, make an appointment and receive the best advice from specialists in the field.

    01. Select Treatment
    Choose from any of our services available for home care.
    02. Book Appointment
    Book your day and time that you prefer and one of our customer representatives will call you to schedule the IV drip.
    03. We’re On Our Way
    One of our registered nurses or Physicians will come to the location of your choice to start your treatment.
    04. Feel Better!
    Sit back, relax and feel better with your treatment.