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Fat Reduction & Transfer Surgery

This two-part procedure combines liposuction for fat removal with fat transfer for targeted enhancement. Liposuction addresses stubborn fat deposits that resist diet and exercise, while fat transfer utilizes these harvested fat cells to volumize and redefine other areas of the body.

The Process:


A detailed discussion with your board-certified plastic surgeon is crucial. They will assess your goals, medical history, and suitability for the procedure.

Areas for fat removal and transfer will be identified, and realistic expectations will be established.


The chosen areas (abdomen, thighs, flanks, etc.) are numbed with local anesthesia or general anesthesia is administered.

Tiny incisions are made, and a cannula is inserted to gently suction out unwanted fat.

Fat Processing:

The extracted fat undergoes meticulous purification to prepare it for transfer.

Fat Transfer:

The processed fat is meticulously injected into the desired areas using small needles. This can include:

  • Buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift)
  • Breasts (augmentation)
  • Face (lip enhancement, wrinkle correction)
  • Hands (rejuvenation)


Compression garments are worn to minimize swelling and promote healing.

Some discomfort and bruising are expected, but subside within days or weeks.

Final results become fully visible after several months, as transferred fat settles into its new location.

Benefits of Fat Reduction & Transfer Surgery

Natural-looking results: Your own fat cells provide a biocompatible and long-lasting filler.
Targeted body contouring: Eliminates unwanted fat while enhancing desired areas.
Minimal scarring: Tiny incisions leave minimal to no noticeable marks.
Improved body proportions: Creates a more balanced and sculpted physique.
Potential for multiple enhancements: Can address various concerns in a single procedure.

Book an Appointment

Let us know your problem, make an appointment and receive the best advice from specialists in the field.

    01. Select Treatment
    Choose from any of our services available for home care.
    02. Book Appointment
    Book your day and time that you prefer and one of our customer representatives will call you to schedule the IV drip.
    03. We’re On Our Way
    One of our registered nurses or Physicians will come to the location of your choice to start your treatment.
    04. Feel Better!
    Sit back, relax and feel better with your treatment.

    Services at Our Clinic

    Our clinic offers all kinds of services and constantly study new technology to add new custom services to the list